Classroom Policies



· Tests count twice

· Other assignments are counted once, unless told otherwise. 

· Assignments turned in late will be  subject to points being taken off.  Assignments not turned in will result in a grade of Zero (0) – noted as “missing” in Schoology.

Extra Credit:

I DO NOT give extra credit, however, I allow for students to correct graded assignments. Any assignments (except bell ringers and exit slips) with a score of a 69 or below can be corrected on a separate sheet of paper and turned back in WITH THE ORIGINAL assignment with in two (2) days of being handed back to the student.   Corrections will be graded and points given back to the original assignment to improve the original grade. Corrections do NOT count if the original assignment is replaced or not turned in.  

Discipline:  School wide policy set in place.


Make-Up Work:  As defined in the county policy (number of days absent plus 1 day).  EVERYTHING IS POSTED ON SCHOOLOGY and available even when you are absent!


Grades:  Grades are posted in Schoology as soon as assignments are graded.  Please pay close attention to comments made, and Announcements posted.

I will be using the messaging system in Schoology for communication purposes for parents and students to be able to communicate with me should concerns or questions arise throughout the school year.

Cell Phones: For students who have a cell phone or other personal communication device, the school expectation is for students to put their device in their locker locked up.  Should a student have their device on their person in class, then their device is expected to go in the “Cell Phone Parking Lot” for the duration of class.  The “Cell Phone Parking Lot is a hanging pocket organizer near the teacher’s desk at the back of the classroom; the device goes in at the start of class and is retrieved at the END of class or early dismissal.  Students are NOT permitted to get each other’s device or touch other devices for any reason without the owner’s permission (so no “pocket swopping” as a prank/joke on one another).

Note:  Headphones (or the like such as air pods) are NOT allowed during instructional time in class, but "could" be allowed during individual work time in class. 


***** Last updated 1/1/2024 *****